***IMPORTANT: If you want to purchase a membership, you must purchase the membership first beforeselecting classes. Click on "Membership" on the Vagaro class registration page. PLEASE NOTE that memberships are 1-month from the date of purchase. For example, if you purchase one on March 5th it will run through April 5th. Directions can be found on our Class Registration page.***
$60 per person per 4-week session - includes practice social for the month signed up
Students often take our Level 1 sessions more than once.
We strongly believe in a solid foundation. For students who wish to take Level 1 more than once, we offer retakes at 50% off. Please let us know if you plan to retake this class and we will send you an invoice reflecting the discount to sign up.
"Drop-in" Classes
Our drop-in classes are any of our Level 2 or Level 3 classes.
$10 per person per class
Any of our Level 2 or Level 3 drop-in classes are eligible for the monthly membership package (see below for details).
Practice socials
We offer a two hour practice social per month. They are $5 each and open to anyone in the dance community.
Practice Socials are FREE for Level 1 students the month of their session or for students with a current membership.
We offer monthly memberships for our "drop-in" classes only (does not include Level 1 sessions). Each package is designed to provide the student with a price discount.
Our monthly memberships are NOT auto recurring and there is no contract. We find that this allows our students the ultimate flexibility in selecting which membership option works best for them each month based on their individual schedules. Students can easily switch between packages from month-to-month as necessary while still saving money.
Packages are purchased monthly and are designed to be flexible to work with each student's schedule based on the number of classes that a student can attend each month. The best way to make our membership options work for you is to calculate how many classes you can take in a month and purchase the membership that best fits your schedule that month. Students may find that they switch their membership each month based on their individual schedules.
The membership runs 30 days from the date it is purchased.
MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP PLAN pRICING (drop-in classes only)